Tu Clínica Hispana Familiar

Weight loss: How to lose weight in a healthy way

Are you desperate to lose weight? Or are you struggling with a disease associated with obesity? Don’t worry! Weight loss is completely achievable if you follow proper discipline and seek expert medical advice. There are many diseases associated with being overweight, such as cardiovascular problems, diabetes, and depression, among others. If you are looking for a weight loss clinic, it is essential to choose one that offers a holistic approach to your health.

Sure, it’s great to look lean and toned, but to maintain good health and normal daily functioning, you need to invest in weight loss routines. Remember that good advice and a healthy weight loss routine are very important in this process.

At Tu Clínica Hispana Familiar, we provide expert advice to our patients on how to lose weight and guide them through their journey. In this article, we will explain the healthiest ways to achieve weight loss, including how to lose weight without losing muscle mass.

Understanding the Importance of Preserving Muscle During Weight Loss

There are many ways to achieve weight loss, but be careful, some extreme methods can make your body weak due to the dissolution of excessive protein. This results in loss of muscle mass, which can be detrimental to your health.

Always remember that weight loss is a complex equation between your weight loss routine, fat intake and protein intake. These three elements work together to maintain a lean and healthy body. How to lose weight without losing muscle mass is possible if you follow a well-balanced strategy.

If you are obese or moderately overweight, you should start by controlling your diet. Keep in mind that fat is reduced by increasing protein intake and muscle is gained by burning fat with protein intake.

Start by limiting your intake of fats and carbohydrates, while increasing your intake of meats and salads. This will burn your fat to the point where you can begin to eat a normal balanced diet. If you are taking weight loss medications, it is very important to maintain a balanced diet during treatment to avoid excessive muscle loss.

Another excellent way to lose weight is to do cardio routines at the gym, which are fast fat-burners. At the end of your workout, you can ingest a protein shake that burns fat and builds muscle.

Whichever method you choose, weight loss is a gradual process and can take three to six months, or even longer. It is always important to take into account the weight loss challenges, such as perseverance and adapting the body to change.

Always consult with your nutritionist or family doctor before taking any medication or weight loss remedy or before making drastic changes in your diet.

Tips to Lose Weight without Losing Muscle

Weight loss can be achieved in several ways, which one is best for you? At Tu Clinica Hispana Familiar, we work with our patients to reduce weight through expert medical advice, injectable medications and dietary supplements. We have developed a specialized weight loss plan that takes our patients through these three phases.

Tips to Lose Weight without Losing Muscle
Lose weight, not muscle: Key tips to stay strong and healthy

Medical Counseling

First, we take our patients through a medical check-up, based on which their weight loss routines are prepared. We always make sure that the routines are effective and safe. We pay special attention to each participant’s needs and overall physical condition.

Injectable Medications

Depending on each person’s body mass and health conditions, consultants may recommend injectable medications aimed at reducing appetite, increasing metabolism or optimizing the way the body processes food.

Reduced appetite results in lower calorie intake, but the person must be strong enough to sustain this process. On the other hand, improving the body’s metabolism results in a faster metabolism that reduces fat. Optimizing food processing may include supplements that balance the digestive process.

Dietary Tips

In addition to medical intervention, the weight loss program includes professional counseling on dietary issues. During this process, each person is guided with a balanced diet plan tailored to his or her needs. Following these plans over a long period of time results in visible changes in your physique, helping you look slimmer and feel healthier.

Fats That Aid Weight Loss

For fat burning and hormonal regulation in your weight loss process, you must understand the effects of Omega-3 fatty acids (found in fish, flaxseeds, walnuts) and monounsaturated fats (present in olive oil, avocados).

An example of a food combination would be mixing avocado or any other healthy fat with lean chicken or fish. This ensures that your body becomes leaner while ingesting optimal nutrients at the same time. Therefore, keep an eye on the foods that aid in weight loss and lean meats.

How to Calculate the Percentage of Weight Loss

While following a weight loss program, it is helpful to measure and track your weight loss. Don’t worry, it’s a simple task. You should record your weight at the beginning of the program and then take measurements every week.

Next, you must subtract your weight after one week on the program from your starting weight. This will give you the amount of weight you have lost and how much more you need to lose until you reach your goal weight. If you are wondering how to calculate the percentage of weight loss, you only have to apply a simple formula: subtract the current weight from the initial weight, divide it by the initial weight and then multiply by 100.


Losing weight is important for your overall health and goes beyond appearance. You can reduce weight and maintain your muscle mass with the right diet, exercise and professional guidance. At Tu Clínica Hispana Familiar, we offer personalized counseling to help you reach your weight loss goals safely and successfully. Our personalized programs will help you stay on track and feel better. If you are facing weight loss challenges, you are not alone. We are here to guide you through every step of the process.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How can I lose weight without losing muscle mass?

To lose weight without losing muscle massIf you are a healthy weight gainer, it is crucial to follow a balanced diet that includes protein and healthy fats. In addition, performing cardio and strength exercises will help you maintain and increase your muscle mass while burning fat. At Tu Clínica Hispana Familiar, we offer personalized programs that will guide you through the entire process.

What are the best foods that aid in weight loss?

Some of the foods that aid in weight loss include Omega-3 rich fish, avocados, flaxseeds and lean meats. These foods not only help burn fat, but also provide essential nutrients to maintain a healthy body during the weight loss process.

How to calculate the percentage of weight loss correctly?

For to get the percentage of weight lossSimply subtract your current weight from your starting weight, divide the result by your starting weight and multiply by 100. This will give you the percentage of weight lost. Keeping track of your weight loss will help you stay focused on your goals.

What are the main weight loss challenges?

Some of the weight loss challenges that are most common include lack of motivation, not seeing quick results, and difficulty maintaining a balanced diet over the long term. At Tu Clínica Hispana Familiar, we help you overcome these obstacles with a weight loss plan tailored to your needs.

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